Flu vaccination update

As seen in the media today, it looks like we’ll be allowed to vaccinate anyone who will be aged between 50-64 on 31st March 2021 from the 1st December 2020. Although we’ve not had official confirmation of this, we are now accepting bookings.
Please book your flu vaccination appointment on the NHS app or SystmOnline. Please note, you may see flu clinic appointments before the 1st December. These are for patients who are over 65 years old, or have an underlying health condition. Do not book one of these appointments if you’re between 50-64 with no underlying health conditions as we will have to phone you to rearrange your appointment.
Please note, there are no appointments for COVID vaccinations yet. There are still no vaccines with MHRA approval. All eligible patients will be invited in by cohorts determined by the Department of Health.