Service Disruption

We are now entering the 3rd week of severe disruption to our services due to a combination of a high volume of acute respiratory illnesses (including influenza, Strep A & COVID) as well as many of our own team being affected by illness. For example, today by lunchtime, we have already received double the number of requests that need a same day appointment compared to a normal Monday.
This has meant that even urgent appointments are taking 2 – 3 weeks to be booked in despite extra appointments being created and staff working overtime.
We are continuing to monitor the situation but there is no extra support for practices in Lincolnshire and we do not know when pressures will ease.
All requests are being clinically triaged and if it is deemed that you require a consultation on the same day, this will be arranged for you.
We thank you for your patience and understanding at this very difficult time.
You can help us by:
Using AskMyGP online rather than phoning reception if possible, to leave the telephone lines clear for those who do not have internet access
Using the NHS 111 website first before approaching us.
Visiting a Pharmacy first for respiratory infections including tonsillitis, chest infections and rashes.
Continue to be polite and respectful to all of our staff who are working extremely hard to try and help everyone.