Message for patients

Unfortunately, recently there has been some poor behaviour shown to our staff. Whilst the vast majority of patients always treat the staff courtesously, there has been the odd person who hasn’t and this negative experience stays with the staff member much longer. On Tuesday alone this week, the practice has had to send behaviour letters to two patients who have sworn at members of our team.
Our staff all work extremely hard to try and provide the best service and the best experience for our patients within the current constraints of general practice and the NHS.
Abusing our staff by swearing, shouting or using threatening behaviour at the front desk, on the telephone or on social media platforms will not be tolerated. Any patient found acting in this way may be removed from the practice list and asked to register at another practice.
Please be kind to our staff and treat them how you would want to be treated.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
The Partners