Update to AskMyGP Service times

We would like to thank all of our patients for bearing with us over the last few weeks as we know it has not been easy when AskMyGP has closed early in the morning.
We are pleased to announce that from Monday 19th June 2023, AskMyGP will be open every week day from 6:00am – 10:00am and will not be closed early. After this time, if you require medical assistance, please contact the practice and the receptionist will be happy to raise an AMGP on your behalf.
We are aware that some patients use the AskMyGP system to request repeat prescriptions or have a purely administrative issue that they are unable to send these through once the system is closed.
Therefore, if AskMyGP is closed and you have a query or request regarding medication, you can send an email to licb.nettlehamdispensary@nhs.net.
Likewise, if you have a purely administrative question, you can send an email to licb.nettlehamadmin@nhs.net when AskMyGP is closed.
We hope that the above two email addresses will help patients and also knowing that the AskMyGP system is going to be open for a set period each day will ease some of the pressure on the telephones.
We thank you for your patience and are hopeful that the practice’s ‘on the day’ capacity will return to normal in several weeks’ time.