Disabled Access

We have various measures in place for patients with mobility and sensory impairments.

Access – Nettleham Medical Practice

Nettleham surgery is single storey and has automatic doors to the front entrance to allow easy access.  Doorbells are fitted should patients or visitors require assistance in accessing the building.

There are two accessible parking bays at the front of the surgery and two at the rear of the surgery.

Wheelchairs are available in the surgery for patient use.

There are two disabled patient toilets in the surgery; one near the main entrance and one in Lindsey Lodge.

Access – Cherry Willingham Surgery

Our branch surgery is a single storey building in The Parade, Cherry Willingham.  Please note that there is a small step at the entrance however there is a door bell fitted should patients or visitors require assistance, and our receptionists will be happy to place a ramp up to the steps to assist with access.  The ramp is not permanently sited as it would obstruct the narrow pavement in front of the surgery.

A handrail is fitted to assist with access to the building.

Wheelchairs are available in the surgery for patient use.


There is a portable induction loop system in place in the main reception at Nettleham Surgery.  This can also be used in consulting rooms if needed; please ask at reception.

If communication between a patient and clinician is difficult, we will endeavour to make suitable arrangements to accommodate any communication needs of the patient, for example arranging a face to face appointment.

Our leaflets are available in large print.  Please ask at reception if you would like a copy.

Some of our leaflets are also available in easy-read format and are available on our website by clicking here, in waiting rooms or by asking at reception.

If you require any information in an alternative format please ask at reception.


Hydraulic, adjustable couches are available in many of our consulting rooms.  Chairs with arms are available in the waiting rooms.

Guide dogs

 Guide dogs are welcomed in both surgeries.